Ponsse adheres to the insider guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (insider guidelines for the stock exchange) and the Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”). The company’s Board of Directors has also confirmed Ponsse insider guidelines, which supplement the stock exchange insider guidelines, and which apply to all employees of Ponsse Group, including the members of the Management Team and the Board of Directors. The coordination and control of insider affairs are among the responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.
Ponsse’s members of the Board of Directors, the President and CEO, members of the Management Team (“Managers”), and their closely associated persons as defined in MAR have a duty to report any transaction involving Ponsse’s financial instruments. The company maintains a list of Managers and their closely associated persons (individuals and legal entities). The Managers and their closely associated persons are obligated to notify Ponsse and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority of every transaction conducted on their own account related to Ponsse’s financial instruments. The notification obligation applies to all transactions after the total amount of EUR 20,000, without netting, has been reached during the calendar year. Ponsse discloses each such transaction as a stock exchange release.
Ponsse’s Managers are prohibited to trade in Ponsse’s financial instruments during a 30-day period immediately prior to the publication of Ponsse’s interim reports or financial statements (“closed window”). The said trading restriction also applies to all such persons who have continuous access to the company’s financial reporting systems. All these persons have been personally informed about the trading restriction and the related obligations.
Ponsse Plc publishes the notification it has received in a stock exchange release promptly and no later than two business days after receipt of the notification. Published notifications of transactions by managers and their closely associated persons can be read on our website at releases: https://www.ponsse.com/en/company/investors/releases#/
Instructions for notifying the transactions of managers and their closely associated persons
Shareholding of the Board of Directors
Shareholding of the Management Team