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Future Mobile Work Machine

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Future Mobile Work Machine

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Tampere, Finland

Future Mobile Work Machine is a versatile and interesting forerunner event of mobile machine industry organized by the SIX Mobile Work Machine -cluster, which focuses on joint innovation and competence development.

At the event, you will get to know the cluster’s joint vision aimed at developing our operating environment, the joint roadmap that guides innovation and competence development, and the diverse cooperation that promotes these on a practical level. In addition to gathering new information, the event is also a good place for networking. During the day, we strengthen existing partnerships and create new ones, both between the business and research worlds.

The mobile machine industry is in the biggest transition in its history. Digitalization, electrification and autonomy are at the core of the mobile work machine of the future. These enablers create a solid foundation for the industry’s sustainable green transition and enable the creation of a completely new value for customers. The theme of this year’s event is the creation of completely new, in many respects unprecedented value through innovation and technological development, utilizing the twin transition.

The event consists of a seminar program, an exhibition with state-of-the-art demos and technology concepts, and an evening event focusing on new partnerships. Welcome to experience and discuss how the mobile machine industry moves towards growth and a more sustainable future through innovations, competence development and cooperation that promotes them!

For more information about the event, go to https://www.six.fi/futuremwm
Register in advance at https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/sixfuturemwm2023