Operating policy

Ponsse Group´s Operating Policy


Ponsse Plc specialises in the sale, production, maintenance and technology of cut-to-length method forest machines, and is driven by a genuine interest in its customers and their business operations. Ponsse develops and manufactures sustainable and innovative harvesting solutions based on customer needs.

Ponsse’s management system is based on the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. Our management system supports our ability to innovate and develop to meet the demands of our stakeholders while addressing local laws and standards. As a result, we can ensure the generation of value for our stakeholders which we measure through customer and employee experiences. We are here for our customers, and our employees are our most important assets.

Continuous improvement is a key success factor for us. At Ponsse, continuous improvement is based on an adaptive approach, where the initiative of our people and an understanding of customer needs ensure our success in all situations. Our ability to respond to changing situations is based on continuous learning, bold creativity, and cooperation that addresses all perspectives.

We improve our organisation’s ability to adapt and perform by systematically developing our practices. Our ability to adapt is supported by diversity, which gives rise to new type of competence and innovation in the changing operating environment. Seamless cooperation in processes that intersect various functions is key in our organisation’s performance.

Responsibility guides our operations and the development of PONSSE forest machines. Our strategic responsibility goals are:

We improve the wellbeing of our people
Ponsse is an equal and non-discriminating working community, in which everyone can work safely. We appreciate one another and take good care of each other, and our customers and network. Our machines are safe and ergonomic for their users.

• We innovate sustainable solutions that respect nature
Our product and service solutions enable sustainable forestry. We bear responsibility for the machine life cycle and extend it through excellent maintenance services. We develop solutions that promote the circular economy and reduce the environmental impacts of machines.

• We develop our operations while respecting nature
We know the environmental impacts of our operations and work systematically to improve them. In our operations, we seek carbon neutrality and material efficiency.

• We are a reliable partner who values community
Honesty, ethics, and communality are at the core of the Ponsse spirit. Good corporate governance and our Code of Conduct steer us to treat people equally, conduct sustainable business and engage in confidential cooperation. Working as a community is important to us wherever we operate.

Management system - Certificate of Approval