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Facundo Leal from Uruguay is the winner of the International Championship Competition for PONSSE mechanics

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Facundo Leal from Uruguay is the winner of the International Championship Competition for PONSSE mechanics

The international competition for PONSSE mechanics ended last night in Iisalmi, Finland. This year´s winner was Facundo Leal from Ponsse Uruguay service team. This year mechanics from 13 different countries from all over the Ponsse network took part in the challenge.

The other prices in the two-day competition went to Russia. The second highest scores got Andrey Izyurov who is working as a mechanic at Ponsse´s dealer OOO Lespromservis in Komi region and the third highest scores got Nikolay Kovalenko from Ponsse Groups subsidiary OOO Ponsse. The yearly competition is open for each Ponsse subsidiary and dealer and is organised by Ponsse Global Service in cooperation with Ylä-Savo Vocational Collage (YSAO).

The winner of the International Ponsse Mechanics' competition Facundo Leal regarded the challenges and tasks very difficult, especially the technical part. "Unbelivable feeling to win, one of the best experiences in my life! This is completely different experience than anything else and was fun to share it with everyone from around the world”, Leal tells about his experiences. “When I was younger I wanted to be an architect but there was a work shop in front of our house and I ended up working there. After that I told my parents that I wanted to study engineering instead", Facundo Leal says.
The first prize is a trip for two to any Ponsse site in the international Ponsse network.

The competition for mechanics contains both theory related and practical tasks

The competition measures a wide range of skills. It measures the mechanics' knowledge in theory and skills with practical exercises. The exercises are connected to the technique, service and troubleshooting for PONSSE models.

- The purpose of this vocational skills competition is to raise the profile of this important profession. Today, the mechanics' work is extremely diverse and the mechanics have to be proficient in mechanics, hydraulics, and in information systems, says Global Service Manager Terho Tanskanen who is in charge of the arrangements of the competition.

Terho Tanskanen, Service manager Global Services
tel. +358 40 504 9789,